Be happy and stay happy.

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”
Frederick Keonig

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Moving On Advice

"Decluttering not only makes you feel lighter but reminds you of learnings and feelings . . ." Caught this excerpt from Bianca Gonzales' blog and got me quite inspired. Made me recall happy thoughts.

Thanks to my high school batch mate Noel Francisco who shared the site with me. I was planning to get some wacky inspirational wisdom from Noel since I was feeling weird the last few days. He is so patient and determined to have FB friends stay in touch. I like his views in life.

I find Bianca's posts truthful to what she's feeling at the moment she wrote them. Great!

Just today I was in a regretful state. I was unconsciously pulling myself to a low mood just by rolling through my mind, things that I should have done, especially in keeping myself healthy. But lo, out of the blues, I decided to just move ahead and start off with whatever I can instead of counting my "should have's" and "should be's".

Therefore, my action motto for the season is " Move On". Hope this works for me.

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